We're Funded!!! Stretch Goal Announcement!!
almost 3 years ago
– Sat, Apr 09, 2022 at 12:16:57 AM
Thank you all for your support!!
We never imagined that one week in we would be funded with another 22 days left in the campaign. That is just mega. Thanks so much everyone!!
To celebrate we have dropped in two new stretch goals. One is an add-on and one is a free gift for all you lovely folks. We have to do some careful planning to make sure that we can give something back to you guys without drastically increasing our productions costs.
First off we have some low profile indy dad hat vibes. If we hit £3500 this will be unlocked as an add-on at £25 + Shipping.
And if in dream land we manage to make it all the way to £4000 we will be including a FREE GIFT for EVERY backer that has made a pledge from the 'IN THE FLESH' level and up. You will be given the choice of the WORM BURGER pin or a BRAIN SLUG VACAY pin. That way all you folks that are already getting the WORM BURGER pin still get a little freebie.
So tell all your friends! Remember the vast majority of funds is going towards paying Gorkloum for her incredible work and the more we raise in this kickstarter the better position we will be for chapter 2!!
Thanks again everyone and have a great week.
Ben + Liam